Thursday, 27 August 2009

All Aboard!

Sometimes things just keep going wrong. It started last night when our
TomTom wouldn't load up and I couldn't get the eastern europe maps
uploaded onto it. Ryan and Mel ( sent me a set
through (thanks guys!) but after messing and realising that our model
only had 1Gb memory so not enough for UK and EU maps we bit the bullet
and got a new Sat Nav.

The drive down to Dover in the 694 was great, everything was really
light compared to our Suntor and how did we ever live without cruise
control!? We found the difference between going 55 and 65 looks to be
about 100 miles in a tank... looks like we'll be keeping the speed down!
About 1M longer then our Suntor too but much more steady being a low line!
Once in port we had a bit of an incident with some gas isolation valves
which saw us leaving our place in the que and returning straight away.

So here we are, got an hour earlier ferry then the one we had booked on
(this one was £88, the one we booked was £35, go figure!).
Sophie and I have positioned ourself in the middle of the ferry - it
looks a bit windy! First stop, Belgium to get some well deserved shut
eye and tomorrow on to Germany. Watch this space! :)

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