Tonight we are wild camped (see included photo) overlooking the harbour having cooked a huge pan of chilli and making inroads into my German beer stock before Norway (just 5 litres allowed).
Here is some of our backlog of photos, firstly from Hirtshals were we spent a night overlooking the beach and enjoyed a wonderful sunset. The beaches here in Denmark are first class and deserted this time of year.
Then on to Skagen, Sophie put her wellies (that I swore she wouldn't wear) to good use by wading out to sea to put one foot in each as the lapped mysteriously over each other at Denmarks most northern point. The sky was blue and sun was belting down you could have forgiven for thinking it was August if not for the cold wind coming off the sea.
Today we travelled south to Gammel Estrup an impressive moated castle which also doubles as a museum of farming and agriculture and home to at least 100 tractors. Free to get in out of season, we had the place to ourselves and are of the opinion that Danish children must be very well behaved as nothing was roped off or out of bounds!

(To anyone wondering, this post replaced the one posted by my Blackberry last night!)
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