Saturday, 28 May 2011


We try and only post a blog when we have something to share and it just so happens that there is plenty to share on the Norwegian leg of this trip!The journey from Geiranger where we spent the night last night to Alesund was excellent and Norway continues to deliver for its roads and the many vantage points built along the way. From the images in the guide these spots get very busy in peak season but we're lucky in as far as the main destination Trollstigen has been open just two weeks so far this year. A new visitor centre at the top of the pass is under construction and while the signs said open June 2011 by the state of works it looks set to overrun.

Officially the viewpoints were also out of bounds but since everyone else was hopping over the barriers so did we - we weren't going to come this far without seeing the view!  

We also recorded a short onboard video of the journey down the pass - no Colin Macrae Rally I'm afraid, the hairpins are full lock each way and we had a full toilet cassette which could make for a very messy ending!

Tonight we're Wild Parked in Alesund ready to explore the town tomorrow and do some walking. Fingers crossed for the weather!

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