Friday, 1 July 2011

Sillamae, Narva & Tartu

Estonia is so far living up to all our expectations and it is clear from the offset that the country has benefited from substantial EU investment - and I say that not in a cynical way but there are signs everywhere proclaiming that fact! The majority of roads we've driven on so far have been excellent with the lesser ones currently undergoing major improvements.

We drove from Tallinn across the top, stopping at the Lahemaa National Park to take in a seven mile walk (about eight with de-tours!) to see the boulders in the sea and some of the abandoned soviet military buildings who's construction is dated as recently as 1985 are reminders that Estonia only declared it's independence 21 years ago.

Spending a night in the park, we carried on to Narva stopping on the way at Sillamae, a fascinating town with a dark history in the extraction of uranium for Russian nuclear programs. The town itself was off limits and didn't exist on any maps, the plant is still visible on the skyline with many of the original buildings derelict it is clear that they are gearing up for the area to be a tourist attraction in years to come.

We did a 'big shop' since we had let the cupboards run down when touring Scandinavia, we did a big shop which came to £30 including several KG of meat and several liters of beer. We're starting to like this place!

From Narva we peared back across the impressive castle on the Russian border at Ivangorod Castle dating back to 1400's and at the stern looking border guards inspecting vehicles arriving back in Estonia from Russia.

Today we find ourselves in Tartu a pleasant town with a vast choice of places to eat at incredibly minimal prices - beer from €1 and main courses from just €5. Despite having done a big shop we stopped out for tea and was able to have three courses and two rounds of drinks for €30 which could have been less had we plumped for one of the cheaper restaurants but the ones in the sun had a bit of a monopoly.

The weather has been incredibly hot and humid especially overnight, we're looking forward to the predicted downpours in the days to come to clear the air a bit!

Overnight Location GPS: (58.37936, 26.72834) - Tartu - small carpark close to the town centre near the river. Other motorhomes joined us. Free between 6pm and 8am or 1 euro an hour after that. Cheaper day parking can be found close by.

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